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Parenting is tough. Parenting a child who has experienced trauma can feel insurmountable. Within these pages are tried and true tips that have helped countless parents move from barely surviving to thriving. 

As a trauma trained educator, I have trained thousands of foster parents over the years and have been looking for a practical, easy to read book to recommend to new foster parents and I’m happy to say “Welcome to the Foster Lane” is it. 

Sarah has hit the ball out of the park with her soon to be #1 Best Seller. Full of practical advice, this book is a must read for any adult touched by foster care or adoption. 

Sarah’s honesty makes you feel validated, her words like a much needed warm hug to our often times weary spirits. 
Looking forward to her next book!

 -Paulette Drankiewicz

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Products We Recommend

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Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors: Brain-Body-Sensory Strategies That Really Work

by Robyn Gobbel

Robyn's approach is similar to what we do at Empowerment Parenting. We talk about things a bit differently, but the ideas are the same. If you can't do coaching with us, we highly recommend this book!

15 Minute Focus Books

Brief Counseling Techniques that Work

15-Minute Focus is a new series that aims to help school counselors and educators overcome the biggest challenges they face.

I love this series as a help and support of conversations parents can have with their school partners.

NeeDoh Cube


I love that these feel a bit like slime without the slimy film on my hands! This is an all time favorite fidget!

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