Parenting Workshops

Explore a new way to parent with empower ment parenting workshops so you can exper ience peace and laughter in your home.

Parenting Workshops

Explore a new way to parent with empower ment parenting workshops so you can exper ience peace and laughter in your home.

Empowerment Parenting Workshops

Available in-person and virtually, Salisott Parent Coaching and Certification workshops are taught by professionals with a combined 25+ years of experience supporting parents of children with challenging behaviors.

Perfect for parents who are looking for strategies that work in today’s world, Salisott PCC helps unlock trauma-informed topics that help families laugh more together and yell less.

Empowerment Parenting Workshops

Available in-person and virtually, Empowerment Parenting’s workshops are taught by professionals with a combined 25+ years of experience supporting parents of children with challenging behaviors.

Perfect for parents who are looking for strategies that work in today’s world, Empowerment Parenting helps unlock trauma-informed topics that help families laugh more together and yell less.

Why Trauma-Informed Parenting?

Trauma-informed care is no longer for a select few. We’ve been through a collective trauma and technological revolution—which means we can all benefit from learning how to be emotionally healthy and resilient.
By healing the adult (that’s you!), we’re also able to help you model the behaviors you want to see in your kids and create more peace in your household.
Part of that means spending more time with your kids—73% of kids want to spend more time with their families. Yet, figuring out how to best do that can be challenging

Increasing your child's capacity for accepting limits, advocating for their needs, and using support from school are all key in decreasing calls from school!

Power struggles are real. They are exhausting. They do not need to dominate your home!

So many parents talk about how they can't ever take time away from their kids. We help you unpack that thought and replace it with the understanding of what your whole family gains when you get the recharge you need and deserve.

Schedule a Workshop

I couldn’t ask for a better experience or coach to start me on a journey of rediscovering myself with relationships in so many areas.

“I couldn’t ask for a better experience or coach to start me on a journey of rediscovering myself with relationships in so many areas. Every session I learned something new that I was excited to apply to my life! Sarah never criticized me in a way to where I needed to feel defensive. The opposite actually. I felt respected and educated as if I was a human being who deserved to be loved and to love properly.”


I couldn’t ask for a better experience or coach to start me on a journey of rediscovering myself with relationships in so many areas.

“I couldn’t ask for a better experience or coach to start me on a journey of rediscovering myself with relationships in so many areas. Every session I learned something new that I was excited to apply to my life! Sarah never criticized me in a way to where I needed to feel defensive. The opposite actually. I felt respected and educated as if I was a human being who deserved to be loved and to love properly.”


What to Expect from Empowerment

Learn more about the topic, including the research behind new strategies.

Reflect on how the content impacts your family, and how you can implement it at home.

Expand your parenting toolbox with activities designed to improve family connections.

Schedule a Workshop

What You Get with OurWorkshops

Workshop fee $500

We are contracted with some county agencies. If we are contracted with your agency, please reach out for the coupon code which will drop the cost to $0.

*10-participant minimum for in-person workshops

Workshop fee $150

We are contracted with some county agencies. If we are contracted with your agency, please reach out for the coupon code which will drop the cost to $0.

*10-participant minimum for in-person workshops


The amount of knowledge gained from just a 3-hour class was phenomenal!

“Being a foster parent and now an adoptive parent, I have been through countless training sessions, but this one was so different than any I had been to before. It felt more like a one on one talk where we were having out and just socializing than a class. Sarah relates to her students and has been there, and she gives examples of her own struggles in addition to taking ideas from participants. This class would be so beneficial for any parent as well as anyone who works with children. The amount of knowledge gained from just a 3 hour class was phenomenal! Highly recommend!!!”

— Alana

The amount of knowledge gained from just a 3-hour class was phenomenal!

“Being a foster parent and now an adoptive parent, I have been through countless training sessions, but this one was so different than any I had been to before. It felt more like a one on one talk where we were having out and just socializing than a class. Sarah relates to her students and has been there, and she gives examples of her own struggles in addition to taking ideas from participants. This class would be so beneficial for any parent as well as anyone who works with children. The amount of knowledge gained from just a 3 hour class was phenomenal! Highly recommend!!!”

— Alana

Where to Start

We’re continuing to build our Empowerment Parenting course catalog. If you’re not sure where to start, our four core classes are available in English and Spanish

Cultivating Connection: Learn to Nurture Lasting Bonds and Relationships 

Early relationships have a profound impact on how children experience the world and relationships throughout their lives. When you join us for Cultivating Connection: Learn to Nurture Lasting Bonds and Relationships, you’ll learn more about how we form these connections as children so you can nurture healthy relationships. With a blend of instruction and hands-on support delivered with Salisott PCC’s signature humor, you’re in for an educational and fun day where you’ll:

  • Gain a functional understanding of Attachment Theory and how children build bonds with their caregivers.
  • Develop stronger communication skills so you can respond appropriately to your children’s needs. 
  • Create a plan for improving your relationship with your child so you can build a stronger bond
  • Gain greater self-awareness so you can recognize patterns in your behavior and how they might affect your child’s sense of security.

Creating ADHD Harmony: Empowering and Understanding Your Neurodivergent Family

Thriving with ADHD in a neurotypical world often requires developing targeted strategies for success. When you join us, you’ll learn about ADHD and how it affects the way people experience the world so you can help your children navigate the scenarios, environments, and challenges they are likely to encounter. With a blend of instruction, real-world scenarios, and hands-on support delivered with Salisott PCC’s signature humor, you’re in for a fun day of learning how to set your child up for success. After this workshop, you’ll gain:

    • A Fundamental Understanding of ADHD that goes beyond the basics with details on how it can affect your child’s behavior, learning, and social interactions.
    • Practical Strategies for Navigating ADHD so you can help your child understand how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges.
    • Tips to Manage Distractions and Increase Success so you can teach your child how to thrive in the world when you’re not at their side.
    • Increased Self-Awareness so you can model the behavior you want your child to exhibit.

Navigating the Waves of Regulation: Helping Your Child Find Balance

Perfect for caregivers who have children that go "zero to sixty" with little to no notice and caregivers who are over the big behaviors/feel like they are walking on eggshells

Mindful Parenting: Cultivating Resilience in Children Navigating Trauma

Perfect for caregivers who recognize that their children may have experienced trauma (or they have) and they want to know the impacts and how to move forward.

Click Here For Classes in Spanish

Salisott PCC Workshops



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